Available as audio-only on Word Spoken’s iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, & wherever else you get podcasts.
Y’all already know what we’re about: making dope poetry content to grow the online poetry culture. And that’s why we’re excited to put you on to another platform that shares our vision. Big ups to the good folks at Word Spoken podcast doing big things with online poetry in the UK. We linked up with them on Instagram and discovered that we share similar missions, which lead us to do a swapcast. This time around, Word Spoken is airing a remix episode of dope moments from season two of Pen Clique.
This special mixtape epsiode features Alex Alpharaoh’s Threads & Lines, Meccamorphosis’ YouTube 2-Piece combo (where we reviewed Jane Johnson), Judah 1’s #poetry 2-Piece, and closed out by Matthew Cuban’s off-top 5 For Ya Eye. PACKED & STACKED.
So be sure to subscribe to the Word Spoken’s podcast feed to help us grow this online poetry community. (links up top) And while you’re at it, be sure to follow us on Instagram, and Facebook and on Twitter to stay up to date with all the dope poetry content we’ll be posting until season three drops this fall. Thank you, stay writing, and we’ll see yall online.
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